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Millennium Exclusive: Behind the Closure of Two Investment Teams in Asia

Millennium Management LLC has recently closed two of its investment teams in Asia, leading to the departure of their managers.

(L-R): Richard Benson, Co-CIO, Umberto Alvisi, Co-CIO, Mark Astley, Co-CEO and Simon Lack, Director (Digital Asset Solutions), Millennium Global Investments. PHOTO: Shutterstock
(L-R): Richard Benson, Co-CIO, Umberto Alvisi, Co-CIO, Mark Astley, Co-CEO and Simon Lack, Director (Digital Asset Solutions), Millennium Global Investments. PHOTO: Shutterstock

The teams, specializing in index-rebalancing strategies, were led by Shao Ying and Zachary Coronoes, both based in Hong Kong.

Details about the teams’ performance

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